
Parliament approves restoration of provision of car allowance to ministers

The parliament has today approved to restore the provision of car allowance to senior government officials, including ministers and heads of independent institutions.

The report by the Parliamentary Committee on Public Accounts regarding its review of the salary framework to be determined by the parliament under Article 102 of the Constitution, was passed today with 58 votes in favour, 20 votes against, and one abstention.

The provision of car allowance, consisting of MVR 6,500 as driver’s salary and MVR 1,000 as petrol expense, was cancelled in December 2012. The motion to restore it was proposed by the President.

The committee passed last Monday to re-commence the provision of this allowance from the day the motion is passed by the parliament.

Members of opposition parties Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Jumhooree Party (JP) argued during the debate at the committee, that despite the cancellation of the car allowance, state funds were used illegally by ministers of the government of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed to cover car expenses.

Pro-government MP Kudahuvadhoo MP Ahmed Amir said, however, that there was no proof of any illegal use of state funds on car expenses.
