
Maldives extends support for Resolution criticising Israeli settlements

Maldives has cosponsored a UN Resolution condemning Israeli settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territories submitted to the UN Human Rights Council.

The Resolution states that such activities violate the basic human rights of Palestinians, and also pose a barrier to peace negotiations.

Maldives has also cosponsored a Resolution which reaffirms Palestinians’ right to self-determination – a universal right denied to Palestinians because of Israeli objections.

Maldives Ambassador to the UN in Geneva Ms Iruthisham Adam, during a debate on Palestine, called on the international community to fully recognise Palestinians’ right to self-determination and to a State of their own. She argued that without such a State, the human rights of Palestinians will never be realised.

She once again added Maldives voice to increasing international condemnation of illegal settlement activity in Palestine.
