
17th Parliament adopted 266 bills, completed 115 bills: Speaker

The 17th Parliament heard 266 bills, out of which 115 bills were passed, Speaker Abdulla Shahid noted at the concluding sitting of the 17th Parliament today.


During the five-year term, a total of 14 bills were rejected by the parliament, 31 bills were rejected by the floor at the preliminary stages, and 36 bills were withdrawn after submission. There are currently five pending bills in parliament.

Significant legislations passed by the 17th Parliament include; the Penal Code, Child Sex Abuse Bill, Right to Information Bill, Domestic Violence Bill, Bills on Taxes, Drugs Bill, Prevention of Threats and Dangerous Weapons Bill, Gang Crimes Bill, Anti-Human Trafficking Bill and the Anti-Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism Bill.

In addition to 266 bills, a total of 328 motions were presented to the Parliament during this term, out of which 223 were passed. Parliament further deliberated on 52 motions issues and rejected 23 motions. A total of 6 motions were withdrawn and 6 motions failed to pass the parliamentary vote.

A total of 41 declarations were submitted to the 17th Parliament, out of which 9 declarations were passed and 13 declarations withdrawn by the sponsors. The 17th Parliament rejected 3 declarations.

The final sitting of the 17th session of Parliament took place on Monday, 28th April 2014, in which each Member of Parliament was allowed 5 minutes to address the floor for a final time. A total of 44 Members utilized this opportunity.

“I would like to sincerely thank the Members of the Parliament for their extensive effort to produce this result,” said Speaker of the Parliament Abdulla Shahid, presiding over the concluding session today.
