Last updated : 10 years ago

Taxi drivers' strike turns to protest

Taxi drivers have gone on strike today, calling on authorities to amend the new changes to the taxi regulation. About 200 taxi drivers are gathered near Social Centre west of Majeedhee Magu, Male’. The protests have been gathered since 7:00 a.m. and are calling to change the regulation. Regulation on taxis, published on 16 December last year, obligates the drivers to display the name and contact details of their taxi centers, along with a taxi top sign indicating if the taxi is vacant.
12:22 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
A second person has been arrested from the taxi drivers’ protest. The man was arrested from the Majeedhee Magu, Boduthakurufaanu Magu junction. The protest has now come to halt.
12:16 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Protesters are calling on all taxi drivers to stop service and join the protest.
12:03 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Protesters are at the carnival area. The number of protesters have decreased. They are calling the resignation of the Transport Minister and for authorities to change the taxi regulation.
11:52 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
The protesters are walking past Hulhumale’ Ferry Terminal in Boduthakurufaanu, heading to Tsunami Monument in Henveyru. Traffic police are present at the scene.
11:18 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
The crowd has relocated near Bank of Maldives (BML) branch in Majeedhee Magu. The number of protesters have decreased.
11:07 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Police have diffused pepper spray into the crowd. A protester has been arrested. Police said the man was arrested for disobeying police orders.
10:57 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Riot police are also at the scene. Police are not in riot gear.
10:56 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Protesters are now near Rainbow in Alikilegefaanu Magu. There have been confrontations between protesters and traffic police.
10:24 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
The strike has turned into a full protest. Drivers are walking down the streets of Male’. The crowd is currently in Maaveyo Magu.
Article 11 (a) 1 of the taxi regulation requires all taxis in the Maldives to have top signs indicating red if the taxi is occupied, or green if the taxi is vacant. However, Maldives Transport Authority has postponed the mandatory vacancy signs to take effect on 15 May.
09:43 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Police have informed protesters that they have started observing the new taxi regulation that came into force today. The regulation comes under Article 3 of the Inland Transport Act 5/2009.
09:39 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
The drivers have gathered at the Social Centre, Star Cinema, Maafannu Madhrasa intersection. Traffic police are trying to move the protesters away from the area.
09:37 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Drivers do not want to stop the protest. They are calling for the resignation of the Transport Minister.
09:31 Murshid Abdul Hakeem
Drivers are calling to amend the taxi regulation. They are also holding placards.