
Not sure when new Governor can be nominated: Government Spokesperson

Spokesperson at President’s Office Ibrahim Muaz has said that efforts are ongoing to nominate a new Governor to Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA), but exactly when a name can be sent to the parliament is yet unknown.

A new Governor must be appointed within 45 days of this post becoming vacant, and tomorrow will be the 45th day since former Governor of MMA Fazeel Najeeb resigned.

In response to a question posed by Sun Online, Muaz said, “The rule is that a new Governor must be appointed within 45 days. Can’t say a date yet [when a Governor will be nominated], efforts in this regard are ongoing.”

Following Fazeel Najeeb’s resignation, President Yameen Abdul Gayoom nominated Ibthisham Ahmed as the new Governor, but later withdrew this nomination.

Ibthisham has worked about ten years at Bank of Maldives (BML).

In his letter to the parliament, President Yameen did not give any reason for withdrawing his nomination of Ibthisham as the new Governor.
