Government has begun work on a system where the public can send individual complaints against the police, to the Minister of Home Affairs, via SMS.
The system will be setup within a month, said Minister of Home Affairs Umar Naseer, speaking at an event at Iskandar Koshi last night to announce the five year Strategic Action Plan for the police.
“The result will be a more responsible police. If a policemen does something wrong, the person at the scene can send a SMS directly to the Home Minister. Then we’ll do the necessary investigation and bring the appropriate policy changes,” Home Minister said.
He said the recent changes seen to government institutions reflect the views of the public and that public voice will always be prioritized. The complaints mechanism against the police has already seen some changes, Umar Naseer said.
“A lot of people send information. [Stating] that police station is not up to standard, these police officers in this particular station mingles and drinks coffee with that bunch of people. We are receiving feedback and some things have been changed,” the recently appointed Home Minister said.