
Reforms needed to implement death penalty: Thasmeen

Leader of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) and the current vice presidential candidate for Forward with the Nation Coalition Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has stated that reforms are needed to implement the death penalty for murder and similar penalties prescribed by Islamic Sharia, in the Maldives.

Speaking at the vice presidential debate hosted by TVM and MNU on Monday night, Thasmeen assured that a government by Dr Mohamed Waheed will not neglect in their responsibilities.

When asked of the obstacles to implementing the penalties of Sharia Law in the Maldives, Thasmeen said that the three power’s of the State must find common ground and align themselves to facilitate the better functioning of the State.

“In a system where the powers are separate, the judiciary and the body that implements justice are also separate. The body that makes the concerning laws is also separate. We have to believe, our young system is facing issues in making all the powers work together,” Thasmeen said.

Implementation of the death penalty has become an important topic of debate in presidential race this year. Maldives has recently seen protests and demonstrations calling for the proper implantation of Sharia Law, especially for murder cases.
