
Court rejects defence attorney for Arham

Criminal Court has rejected the defence attorney representing the persons accused of murdering Mohamed Arham, the 16 year old boy who was found murdered in Lorenzo Park last year.

The defence attorney failed to attend the hearing today, forcing the court to cancel the hearing.

Speaking to the defendants after announcing the cancellation of today’s hearing, the judge said that their attorney was duly informed that the hearing will begin at 10 a.m. this morning and that the court had telephoned him persistently for over an hour, but was unable to contact him as his phone was switched off.

The judge then told the defendants that he has decided to reject the attorney as representation for this case on grounds that his behavior is causing difficulties to the court.

The judge asked the defendants for a duration required to hire a new lawyer and they asked for the court to grant them 2 weeks.

The four people indicted for Mohamed Arham are; Mohamed Sufuyan, Gunzaru, Gaafu Dhaalu Gaddhoo, Mansoor Yousuf, Asareege, Laamu Maavah, Mohamed Wisam, Ever Blue, Laamu Maavah and Athif Rasheed, Ma. Scenery View, Male’.

Mohamed Arham, of Nooreege, Ha. Hoarafushi, a 16 year old boy studying in Dharumavantha School grade 9, was found assaulted and stabbed to death in Lorenzo Park in Male’ around 4:45 on 30th of May last year.

The last hearing for Arham's murder case heard witness statements against the defence.
