Galolhu-South MP Ahmed Mahloof has said that the maintenance of Sinamale’ and Male’ Hiya flats should be transferred from the City Council to the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, and that he would make a request in the regard from the ministry.
Speaking to the media near Sinamale’ area, Mahloof said that Male’ City Council had built walls and closed off some areas of Sinamale’ flats without the knowledge of the residents living there. He said that this project was commenced by the City Council without any discussion with the residents.
Mahloof said that this issue had to be reported to the relevant authorities after receiving several complaints from the public.
He said that the walls built in the area now obstruct the residents’ hope of placing an elevator in the flat complex.
He said that some residents were also facing difficulties taking the stairs due to these walls.
Mahloof said that City Council had outsourced the maintenance of the flats to a private group for MVR 500,000 per month.
He said that the private group was however not effectively maintaining the premises, thus, a request would be made to transfer the maintenance of the flats to the Housing Ministry.
City Council Member Ibrahim Shujau said that the walls had been built in Sinamale’ following discussions with the residents of Sinamale’.
He said that this had to be done after receiving complaints and requests from several residents.
He said that some areas in the flat complex had to be closed off for the security and protection of the residents, and this was being done with the advice of Maldives Police Service.
Shujau said that City Council wishes to cooperate with the MP of this constituency to solve the problems faced by the residents of the flats, and that the council would assist the MP whenever possible in these efforts.