The Auditor General’s Office has said that the figures indicated in the Audit Report of the Ministry of Finance for 2011 might include a mistake.
The Audit Office said in a statement issued tonight that the issues noted in the report were based on information and documents obtained from the Finance Ministry, and that discussions were held in February with pertinent senior officials of the ministry to confirm the accuracy of the figures included in the report.
The Audit Office said that since the issues and figures mentioned in the report might contain mistakes, the ministry was requested in March to provide their comments in writing; however, as the ministry did not send their comments, it is possible that the figures used to describe the issues mentioned in the report contains a mistake.
The Audit Office also apologised to all groups whose reputations might have been harmed as a result of a mistake in a figure mentioned in the Audit Report, or as a result of the manner in which an issue is highlighted in the Audit Report.
The statement further said that the Audit Office would always strive to make their Audit Reports according to defined standards, unbiased, just and transparent.