
Group arrested in relation to unrest in Maradhoo released

The people arrested following clashes between them and the police in Maradhoo, Addu City, have been released.

The police said that their release was ordered by the court, and that investigations regarding most of them had been completed.

The police said earlier that eight people were arrested in Maradhoo on 15 May, after the police arrived at the scene where two groups had gathered and were preparing to fight.

The police said that the group had tried to obstruct the police, threw stones at officers, and created unrest; and after this incident, a group had thrown stones at police vehicles and tried to block Addu City Link Road, and created further unrest in Addu City.

The police also refuted claims that some members of the public were harmed by police officers in this incident. The police said that no child or woman was harmed by the police, and no excessive force was used in the incident.

The police said then that the case was under investigation.
