
Special forum held to promote tripartite discussions for employment

A special forum themed “Tripartite Dialogue” has been conducted today as a precursor thematic sessions conducted by the Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports to provide youth with information of word done by different government institutions and other employers.

Conducted jointly by the Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports, the International Labour Orgranization (ILO) and the United States Department of Labour, the Tripartite Dialogue will aim to identify employment issues in the Maldives and will include an information session by ILO Consultant Leon Robert Heron.

The forum will be participated by representatives from the government and ILO, in addition to Maldives Employment Forum and that the Maldives Trade Union.

Human Resource Minister Mohamed Hussain Shareef said today that Maldives has continued to receive support from ILO since it became a member in 2009 and that to promote inclusive dialogue within all stakeholders is one of the fundamentals of the organization.

“ILO is a bit different from other UN bodies. ILO tries to maintain the tripartite principles by including the government and other equal stakeholders, the employers and worker representatives. They recognize these three parties as equal players in all their discussions, consultations, or any spending [funding] they may make,” Minister Shareef said.

The Human Resource Minister said that today’s forum will help establish principles of dialogue and promote discussion, especially in the resolution of conflicts.
