
Voter Registry will be published in gazette this month: Elections Commission

The Elections Commission has said that the Voter Registry will be published in the government gazette this month.

Speaking at a press conference today, Elections Commission Member Ali Mohamed Manik said that the work on updating the Voter Registry is nearly complete, and efforts are under way to publish the registry in the gazette on 21 May.

He informed that after the names are published, the public will have the opportunity to file complaints and the information on the registry will be verified and if necessary revised.

Ali Mohamed Manik urged those registered in the Male’ Dhaftharu to inform their current address to the commission as soon as possible. He said that the opportunity to register in the Male’ Dhaftharu has now been closed.

Speaking on the number of ballot boxes, he said that 556 ballot boxes will be placed for the upcoming Presidential Election. This includes 55 in resorts and 355 in the atolls; the remaining boxes will be placed in Male’, industrial islands and prisons.

He said that the major challenge faced by the commission in its preparation for the Presidential Election is the lack of funds. He said that more than MVR 80 million is required for the upcoming Presidential Election and Council Elections.
