Thulusdhoo MP Rozaina Adam and Medhu-Henveyru MP Ali Azim have been elected as the new Deputy Leaders of Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP).
The voting was conducted during the party’s Congress currently ongoing in Dharubaaruge. MP Rozaina received 382 while MP Azim received 258 votes.
Five candidates contested for the three deputy leader vacancies. A third candidate for the post was not decided today as Vilingili MP Mohamed Raamiz and Economic Minister Ahmed Mohamed (Ande) received equal amounts of votes, 243. The congress decided to ask for a vote during tomorrow’s session to break the tie.
The candidate who received the least votes was Ali Solih, who received 97 votes.
Six members were also elected from the public to DRP’s Council. Eleven candidates contested for the six posts. The candidates who were elected to the Council were Education Minister Dr Asim Mohamed, Interim Council Member Dr Hamid Rasheed, Mohamed Shafeeg, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Mohamed Saleem, Interim Council Member Assad Shareef and Ahmed Nizam.
Candidates who lost in this election were Fisheries Minister Ahmed Shafee, former CEO of TVM Ali Khalid, DRP Secretary General Adam Haleem, Abdullah Shiyaz, Abdullah Naseer and Mohamed Faiz.
The DRP Congress will go on until the end of tomorrow.