
DRP to propose to remove two articles from parliament privileges bill

Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) has decided to propose amendments to two articles from the bill on parliament privileges and powers, which has been passed by the parliament in a manner that obligates its ratification by the president.

DRP Parliamentary Group Deputy Leader, Kelaa MP Abdullah Mausoom said at a press conference held at DRP Office today, that amendments will be proposed to article 8f which states that healthcare shall be provided to ex-MPs under the same health insurance scheme as the one provided to MPs; and to article 8g which states that every person who has acted as an MP shall be provided an official passport.

“We will propose amendments to remove these two articles as soon as the bill is ratified by the president. We are considering proposing amendments to other articles as well,” Mausoom said.

Referring to recent reports that the rights of journalists are infringed in the bill, Mausoom said that DRP wants to discuss the issue and ensure that the bill does not obstruct the work of journalists.

Meanwhile, efforts are under way by groups working for the rights of journalists to file a case on the bill to Supreme Court as soon as it is ratified.
