
Islamic Minister claims successful Hajj operation, affirms improvement next year

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed -- Photo/ Islamic Ministry

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has claimed the Hajj pilgrimage arrangements and overall operations this year was a success.

He adds the areas that require rectification will be improved for next year's Hajj operations.

In a Facebook post, the minister detailed this year's Hajj operations. He added local pilgrims got the chance to eat Maldivian cuisine during their stay.

Maldivian pilgrims at Mecca to perform this year's Hajj -- Photo/ Hajj Corporation

He also added the pilgrims requiring medical support received top quality services - including heart and cancer patients, and those requiring dialysis.

The minister also highlighted other achievements, including;

  • Successfully located 100 pilgrims who got lost, with the help of tracking devices
  • All Maldivian pilgrims, including those with ailments, got the chance to visit Arafat
  • Pilgrims in wheelchairs were provided comprehensive assistance
  • Tent camp arrangements in Arafat

Posts on social media claimed Maldivian pilgrims lodged in poor conditions in the tents, which the minister attested as well.

He assured the ministry will assess the reason for this issue, and rectify the matter for the next time.

Dr. Shaheem also said this year's congregation of pilgrims is the second largest handled by Hajj Corporation so far. He thanked those who assisted in making this year's Hajj arrangements a success.

A total of 1,150 pilgrims from the Maldives journeyed to Mecca to perform Hajj pilgrimage this year, which included 50 pilgrims financially supported by the state.
