
MP Riza elected JSC’s president

Maafushi MP Hussain Riza Adam who was elected president of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

Maafushi MP Hussain Riza Adam has been elected president of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC).

JSC president is elected through a vote among its members. The post had previously been held by former Thulaadhoo MP Hisaan Hussain, the parliament's representative to the commission during the last parliamentary assembly.

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu appointed Parliament Speaker Abdul Raheem Abdulla and Riza as members of JSC on June 4th.

Abdul Raheem was appointed to JSC in his capacity as the parliament speaker. Meanwhile, Riza was appointed in his capacity as the representative of the new parliamentary assembly to the commission.

The current composition of JSC includes the speaker of the parliament and a representative of the parliament apart from the speaker, chosen via a vote among the MPs.

Parliament approved Riza as the legislative body’s representative in JSC on June 3rd.

The present members of JSC are as follows:

  • Parliament Speaker Abdul Raheem
  • Maafushi MP Husain Riza Adam as the representative from the Parliament
  • Mohamed Sameer as the representative of the President 
  • Justice Husnu al Suood from Supreme Court justices apart from chief justice 
  • Judge Mohamed Niyaz from High Court judges 
  • Judge Ali Shareef as a lower court judge 
  • Civil Service Commission’s President Mohamed Nasih
  • Attorney General Ahmed Usham
  • Uz. Ali Abdul Latheef as a representative from lawyers 
  • Dr. Aminath Ummu Kulsoom as a representative of the general public approved by the parliament 

Judge Mohamed Niyaz is the vice president of the commission. 
