Young Khatheeb Hussain Zain Ali delivers Friday sermon at Hulhumale' Masjid al-Amaany on March 15, 2024. (Photo/Islamic Ministry)
Young men who were trained under the Islamic Ministry’s ‘Young Khatheeb’ program led the Friday prayer as the Imam at several mosques in Male’ and Hulhumale’ this afternoon.
Islamic Minister Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed announced that young Khatheebs will be leading Friday prayer as Imams at various mosque this Friday back on Monday.
The Ministry recently conducted a training program for students who have graduated from tenth, eleventh and twelfth grades, interested in leading the Friday prayer and delivering the sermon in light of the shortage of Khatheebs in the Maldives. Those who completed the program were awarded certificates as well.
Four young Khatheebs led the Friday prayer at four mosques this afternoon; three mosques in Male’ City and one mosque in Hulhumale. They are:
Islamic Ministry said various training sessions were conducted for participants at Salman Mosque under the first round of ‘Young Khatheeb’ program where they were taught to deliver the sermon and lead the prayer as the Imam among other special religious trainings.