
Govt. launches program to clean up Male’ drains

The government has launched a program to clean up the clogged drains in the streets of Male’ City – which was hit by extensive flooding last week.

The program was launched by Local Government Minister Adam Shareef Umar in a ceremony held on Saturday morning.

The program is being conducted by the Local Government Ministry in collaboration with the Male’ City Council, Health Protection Agency (HPA), and Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO).

According to the Local Government Ministry, while the program launched on Saturday is a one-week program, the Male’ City Council will continue to clean the city’s drains even after the program concludes.

Minister Adam Shareef, Male’ City Deputy Mayor Ahmed Nareesh, and other council and government officials took an active part in the cleanup program on Saturday.

The program to clean the street drains comes after Male’ City was hit by torrential rain last Sunday, resulting in extensive flooding. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) receives 180 reports of flood damage, including from 164 homes. Dozens of people were moved to temporary shelters.
