
Foreigners to be charged entrance fee at public parks starting July 15

Lonuziyaaraih Park. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)

Male’ City Council has announced the decision to charge an entrance fee on foreigners from public parks in the capital city, starting July 15.

The decision passed with a unanimous vote taken during a council meeting Wednesday.


  • Foreigners with work permit: MVR 15
  • Foreigners without documentation: MVR 50
  • Foreigners on tourist visa: MVR 75
  • Foreigners with cameras: MVR 500

City council states that an entrance fee will not be levied on foreigners under the age of 18 years, foreigners working as caregivers, and maids accompanying children.

Entrance fee will also not be charged on foreigners with diplomatic cards.

The decision to introduce the fee comes after several councilors expressed concern over Maldives’ rising migrant population in an earlier meeting. Mayor Dr. Mohamed Muizzu said it was common practice in foreign countries to charge a fee on foreigners for access to public parks and other public venues.
