Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital's (IGMH) nurses pose for a photo. (Photo/IGMH)
Finance Ministry has stated they have not yet been able to deposit the salaries of some staff from Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) and the Health Protection Agency (HPA), due to certain reasons.
Finance Ministry’s Communications Director Lammaan Mohamed told Sun today that the delay in depositing their salaries is subsequent to the institutions being late on sending the salary sheets. Finance Ministry deposits the salaries once the salary sheets are sent to the Ministry, via its portal. Normally, the salary sheet is sent to the Ministry by institutions at the end of every month.
Lammaan said that the salary sheets were sent by IGMH, sometime late yesterday. Noting this as the reason for the delay in depositing the salaries – he stressed that the salaries of IGMH staff will be deposited sometime today.
Lammaan also detailed that the delays by HPA in sending the salary sheets is due to the fact that some of their staff had tested positive for COVID-19. Therefore, he said that he is unable to guarantee that the salaries of HPA staff will be deposited today.
“I do not know what to say about HPA. As soon as they (HPA) send (salary sheets), we (Finance Ministry) will deposit,” he had said.
Salary sheets of Vilimale’ Hospital staff are also sent by IGMH. Thus, the salaries of Vilimale’ Hospital staff have also not been deposited yet.
According to a credible source, salaries of Health Ministry staff were also deposited late this month in addition to IGMH and HPA staff. On this note, Lammaan assured that the salaries of Health Ministry staff have been deposited.
As stipulated by law, the salaries of civil servants must be deposited before the first of every month. Although salaries are usually deposited accordingly, in some circumstances there are delays posed by extenuating circumstances.