Last updated : 4 years ago

Govt. imposes 24 hour lockdown in Male' City


Health Protection Agency (HPA), on Wednesday, confirmed the first COVID-19 case in the populous capital, Male’ City; a Maldivian national with no recent travel history overseas who presented to the flu clinic located in Male’ on Tuesday. The government has now imposed a 24-hour lockdown in Male; city following the confirmed case. 


The press conference by Police ends.


CP Hameed: Around 200 officers will be active in Greater Male' area to implement the lockdown order.


CP Hameed: Police are now operating at alert level 2. Alert level is at orange in system-wise. Under that level, Police will be available in a numbers for the operation.


CP Hameed: Accomodation for officers responding to house calls and frontline officers will be arranged so that they do not have to return back home. 


CP Hameed: While there is a chance for community transmission in the country, basic guidelines for security operations and such as responding to house calls will be established.


Maj. Gen. Shamaal: We adviser officers to not mix with their families. We advise for officers to remain at their centers. This is advised for officers of all levels.


Maj. Gen. Shamaal: Due to the positive case today, MNDF has raised the alert level to BLUE-1, which is usually for crisis situation. With the raised alert levels, all officers would be mobilized for the operation. No officers will be with their families right now. They will be at their headquarters and barracks, fully prepared for the operation.


Maj. Gen. Shamaal: We will not allow anyone to take unfair advantage of the situation as the public is in a state of despair.


Chief of Defense, Major General Abdulla Shamaal also stated that the two institutions of MNDF and Police were working with full commitment regarding the situation with Covid-19.


CP Hameed: We have stopped many such acts in Maafushi prison within the last 10 days as well. We have blocked 35 sim cards in collaboration with the communications authority. 


In a national security council meeting today, discussions were held regarding the unfair exploitation of the current situation in the country as government resources were focused on the situation with Covid-19, said Commissioner Hameed.


The Commissioner also stated that it would be unwise to think that the security and law enforcement forces would be hesitatnt in fulfilling the legal mandate of the institutions.


Commissioner Hameed said that the number of crimes in the last three weeks were lower over all but organized crimes such as robberies by groups were still occurring.


Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF), Chief of Defense, Major General Abdulla Shamaal, speaking at the news conference,  stated that Police and MNDF would work together to protect the security of the country


CP Hameed: We will not allow anyone to take advantage of situation

The Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed has said that the Police and MNDF will not allow anyone to take unfair or undue advantage of the situation with Covid-19 in the Maldives. The Commissioner was speaking in a news conference underway right now. 


Dr. Nazla: It is a secondary contact that travelled to Kaashidhoo. As a policy, the secondary contact will not be isolated. However, after evaluation, the secondary contact could also be isolated.


Minister Ameen: Testing durations have to be increased. The virus has now changed the situation in the country to another phase.


Dr. Ali Latheef: Male' City is under lockdown to conduct contact tracing and for further measures. However, if there is a spread, the lockdown may be extended.


Minister Ameen: What's important now is the work to conduct contact tracing. I ask for the cooperation of everyone for this.


Dr. Ali Latheef: It does not seem that the individual tested positive was in contact with someone released from quarantine. However, the individual would get positive after coming into contact with another positive case. It cannot be another way. We are investigating this.


Monitoring works underway in Addu City, G. Dh. Vaadhoo!

Dr. Nazla: Monitoring works are underway in Addu city and G. Dh. Vaadhoo.


Dr. Nazla: We are working very hard to identify the source of the virus. It is very important to control the virus.


Dr. Nazla Rafeeq: 54 people have been placed in isolation after close contact (with the positive case) for contact tracing.


Dr. Ali Latheef: It is important that everyone to remain at home. This may take a year. Lockdown will be very difficult, however, if the virus spreads, it may reach other atolls, so the public has to remain patient.


Dr. Ali Latheef: A community transmission occured maybe from a person without any symptoms. We are investigating this.


Dr. Ali Latheef: Many are still not serious about the virus. We have seen people gathered. How to avoid the virus is by staying indoors. Hospital beds have been prepared and individuals have been trained for the virus.


Dr. Ali Latheef: From the evidence available right now, it seems that this is a community transmission. An identified case is a very frightening one. This is very much like the common cold, but has a higher fatality rate.


Minister Ameen also requested that the health professionals in the country who were not working to be prepared to serve. The Minister added that since a positive case was identified from the capital, the danger of the virus has now significantly increased.


Minister Ameen: Male' city was placed in lockdown in order to prevent the spread of the virus. The city was fully prepared for such a situation. Institutions are also prepared. How to provide food and medical supplies have been arranged. What's important right now is for everyone to remain at home. That is the cure (prevention) for the virus right now.


Minister Ameen: The positive individual had not travelled abroad and it is not believed that the individual was in contact with another positive case. Work to identify those in contact with the individual were now underway, which is the most important work right now.


The press conference is being given by Health Minister Abdulla Ameen, Dr. Ali Latheef, Dr. Nazla Rafeeq.


Presser by NEOC commences!

A press conference by the National Emergency Operations Center has just begun.

16:03 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

The president was noticeably emotional as the address was ended requesting the public to refrain from going outdoors and follow the instructions of medical professionals.

16:01 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

The president also reassured that the country has enough food supplies for the situation and requested the public to remain patient.

15:59 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

Since one of the people in contact with the positive case had traveled to the island of Kaashidhoo, the island was in lockdown until contact tracing was completed. The president requested the cooperation of the public in this situation.

15:58 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

The president stated that the positive case had not traveled abroad and had not been in contact with a positive case. The authorities have so far identified 11 people who had been in contact with the individual.

15:56 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

Govt. fully prepared for such a situation of lockdown

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih reiterated the confirmed case of Covid-19 in Male' city and stated that the government was fully prepared for such a situation since the first week of January.

15:53 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

Presidential address to the nation begins!

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has begun addressing the nation.

15:43 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

ATM centers in the Male' city closed!

ATM's located in the Male' city have been closed.

15:42 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

Govt. instructs aircrafts to return back to the capital

The government of Maldives has instructed aircrafts traveling from Male; city to other areas to return back to the Velana International Airport. Due to the order, aircrafts en route to other areas have been eturning back to the capital

15:20 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

Sinamale' bridge to be closed off from 15:30

The government has announced that the Sinamale' bridge connecting Male' city and Hulhumale' will be closed off from 15:30 onwards today

15:09 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

Everyone outdoors to get indoors by 15:30!

Police have stated that everyone outdoors in Male' city should reach indoors by 15:30 today. 

14:52 Ahmedulla Abdul Hadi

President to address the nation today!

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih is set to address the nation today 15:45. The presidential address was confirmed by an official from the President's Office.


Home Minister Sheikh Imran Abdulla arrives at the National Emergency Operations Center to join the press briefing.


State Trading Organization (STO) managing director Hussain Amr urges customers against panic buying. Products at the STO Supermart can be ordered online, and will be delivered, he said.


Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) and Maldives Police Service are scheduled to hold a joint press conference at 4:30 pm.


Parliament Speaker, President Mohamed Nasheed issues a statement via his Twitter account urging calm.

 “Health experts have always been aware of the chances of a community spread of COVID-19. Things are unfolding in line with earlier predictions. The government is prepared to deal with this. Do not worry. In Sha Allah, we shall overcome this soon,” said Nasheed.


Male’ City Council urges residents to stay at home, and to purchase food and other products from businesses which offer delivery services.


Male’ City Council urges residents to stay at home, and to purchase food and other products from businesses which offer delivery services.


The neighborhood in Maafannu where the patient resides has been temporarily cordoned off as rapid response team continues to operate in the area. There are four ambulances on standby in the area.