Government spokesperson Mabrook Azeez is seen speaking at a press conference. (Sun Photo/Fayaz Moosa)
The government has refuted rumors that the Male’ city will be placed under lockdown and advised the public against panicking and stocking up on food supplies and other supplies.
In a news conference last night, government spokesperson Mabrook Azeez stated that the government had no intention nor was preparing to place the capital Male’ city under lockdown.
“There are rumors, that Male’ city will be placed in lockdown starting from tomorrow. That shops will be closed. That is not true. There are no discussions of such, nor any discussions regarding such a step.” said Mabrook.
Noting that the public was stocking up on food and goods due to such rhetoric, Mabrook advised people not to do so. He assured that there was no situation to worry about and that the government was assuring that the country had an abundant supply of food for basic needs.
“When such purchases are made, supplies run out from islands quickly, and we are able to supply the next day only. We are sure that the country has enough for the basic necessities of Maldivians,” said Mabrook.
He added that the Economic ministry had begun discussions with the key importers into the country. Importers had stated that there were some delays in supplies but no difficulties in ordering and obtaining the supplies.
Economic minister Fayyaz Ismail has previously warned that supplies may have to be rationed based on National Identity Cards if people kept stocking up on supplies. He noted that it was useless to stock up on supplies when there were no difficulties in supplies.
The Maldives has confirmed 13 foreign cases of the Covid-19 virus so far.