SANFORD, Florida (AP) — An unarmed black teenager shot to death by a neighborhood watch captain in Florida told his girlfriend he was being followed shortly before the confrontation that killed him, a lawyer said Tuesday as federal prosecutors announced they would investigate.
The case has sparked protests and drawn attention to the growing number of states that allow people to use deadly force if they feel threatened.
George Zimmerman, 28, says he shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin last month in self-defense during a confrontation in a Florida gated community. Police have described Zimmerman as white; his family says he is Hispanic and not racist. He has not been charged.
Zimmerman spotted Martin as he was patrolling his neighborhood and called the police emergency dispatcher to report a suspicious person. Against the dispatcher's advice, Zimmerman followed Martin, who was walking back from a convenience store with snacks.
A phone call that recorded Martin's final moments was disclosed as the U.S. Justice Department opened a federal civil rights probe into the Feb. 26 shooting and the local prosecutor convened a grand jury to investigate.
Attorney Benjamin Crump, who represents Martin's parents, said the teenager was on the phone with his girlfriend when he told her he was being followed. Martin told the girl he'd taken shelter from the rain briefly at an apartment building before continuing his walk to where he was staying with his father nearby.
"He says, 'Oh, he's right behind me, he's right behind me again,'" Crump says the girl told him. "She says, 'Run.' He says, 'I'm not going to run, I'm just going to walk fast.' She hears Trayvon say, 'Why are you following me?' Other voice says, 'What are you doing around here?'"
She told Crump they both repeated themselves and then she thinks she heard Zimmerman push Martin "because his voice changes like something interrupted his speech." She heard an altercation and then the phone call was cut off. She didn't hear the gunfire.
Police say Zimmerman was bleeding from his nose and the back of his head, and told police he had yelled out for help before he shot Martin.
Crump told reporters Tuesday it was Martin who cried out when a man bearing a 9mm handgun came at him.
"She absolutely blows Zimmerman's absurd self-defense claim out of the water," Crump said of Martin's girlfriend, whose name was withheld.
Martin called his 16-year-old girlfriend in Miami several times on Feb. 26, Crump said.
The discovery of the lengthy conversations was made over the weekend by Martin's father by checking his son's cell phone log, Crump said.
The last call was at 7:12 p.m. Police arrived at 7:17 p.m. to find Martin lying face down on the ground.
Zimmerman was handcuffed after police arrived and taken into custody for questioning, but was released by police without being charged.
"We will not rest until he is arrested. The more time that passes, this is going to be swept under the rug," Crump said.
Crump said he plans to turn over information about the call to federal investigators; a grand jury is also likely to subpoena the records. The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is also involved in the state case.
The case has ignited a furor against the local police department of this Orlando suburb of 53,500 people, sparking rallies and a protest in Gov. Rick Scott's office on Tuesday. The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division said it is sending its community relations service this week to Sanford to "address tension in the community."
At a town hall meeting on Tuesday, more than 350 people packed into the wood paneled sanctuary of the Allen Chapel AME Church, located in a traditionally black neighborhood of Sanford. A line flowed down steps with others trying to get in. The Rev. Al Sharpton, a civil rights leader, was expected to join city leaders at the meeting but did not attend.
Civil rights leaders from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, American Civil Liberties Union and the Nation of Islam urged residents to remain calm but demand that Zimmerman be arrested. They also said the town's police chief should step down.
"I stand here as a son, father, uncle who is tired of being scared for our boys," said Benjamin Jealous, national president of the NAACP, a leading civil rights organization. "I'm tired of telling our young men how they can't dress, where they can't go and how they can't behave."
Residents attending the meeting cheered and jumped to their feet when local NAACP leader Turner Clayton Jr. said the U.S. Department of Justice shouldn't just review the investigation but the federal agency also should take over the Sanford Police Department.
"This is just the beginning of what is taking place," Clayton said. "We're going to make sure justice prevails."
When The Associated Press tried to reach the police department Tuesday evening for comment, a dispatcher told a reporter to call in the morning.
Authorities may be limited by a state law that allows people to defend themselves with deadly force.
Under the old law, people could use deadly force in self-defense only if they had tried to run away or otherwise avoid the danger. The new law has no duty to retreat, and it gives a person the right "to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force," if he or she feels threatened.
Florida was the first state to pass a "Stand Your Ground" law, which has been dubbed a "Shoot First" law by gun control advocates.
About half of all U.S. states now have similar laws, said Brian Malte, legislative director of the Brady Campaign, which describes itself as the nation's largest organization dedicated to the prevention of gun violence.