
Qatar unveils logo of tree for 2020 Olympic bid

DOHA, Qatar (AP) — A multicolored tree has been selected as the logo for Doha's bid to host the 2020 Olympics.

Bid leaders said the idea of the tree was inspired by the Arabic word for Doha — ad-dawha. They said the logo aims to highlight that Doha is "a city for all to experience, to learn in and a place of nurturing."

Organizers on Friday also unveiled a new website and the bid slogan "Inspiring Change."

Qatar, flush with billion of dollars from its oil and gas reserves, is hoping to bring the Olympics to the Middle East for the first time. The country will host the World Cup in 2022.

Doha is competing with Rome, Madrid, Toyko, Istanbul and Baku, Azerbaijan. Bid cities must submit their detailed plans to the IOC before next Thursday.
